We covenant with one another as members of the body of Christ gathered at New Hyde Park, to endeavor by God’s Holy Spirit to glorify God, striving toward the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
In Worship:
1. To do all ministries and activities in a manner worthy of our God and honoring to Him.
2. To gather regularly in corporate praise of God.
3. To maintain secret and family devotions.
4. To seek God’s leading upon the direction of the life and ministry of the church as expressed in its members.
5. To enjoy and exult in God’s presence.
In Fellowship:
1. To evidence Christian love in all relationships.
2. To promote the spirituality and the growth of the church and its members.
3. To share the joys and sorrows of our lives with one another through companionship, prayer, compassion and edification.
4. To minister to one another through the use of our God-given spiritual gifts.
5. To associate with another church of like faith and practice when we move.
In Discipleship:
1. To submit to Christ and to those charged with the spiritual leadership of His body.
2. To demonstrate a Christian life-style as evidenced by holiness, the fruit of the Spirit and obedience to all of Christ’s commands.
3. To grow spiritually through daily study of the Word of God and prayer, individually, as a family and with one another.
4. To participate in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the church’s doctrine and discipline.
In Stewardship:
1. To recognize that God is the owner of all things, and especially of ourselves.
2. To understand that all we have has been entrusted to us by God, to be used to enhance the glory of God and that we will be called upon to give an account of our stewardship at the last judgment.
3. To give regularly, freely and cheerfully of our wealth, time, talent and service for the glory of God and for the good of His church.
In Evangelism:
1. To make disciples of our family, friends and acquaintances through verbal witness, intercessory prayer and training in the Christian life.
2. To support the advancement of the Gospel through missions by prayer, concern, giving, recruitment and participation.
3. To promote Biblical standards concerning social issues and justice in our community and world.
4. To be witnesses to the community of the salvation that is ours through Jesus Christ as we gather for corporate worship and as we live daily before them.