Children & Youth Ministries
- Sunday School – 9:15am (Starting October 1 – Nursery school age to 12th grade)
- Junior Church – during sermon (3 years old to 3rd Grade)
Sunday School
Children & Youth Sunday School will begin Sunday, October 1.
Here at New Hyde Park Baptist Church, we have a children’s Sunday School ministry in order to assist parents in making disciples of the next generation for Christ.
Ps 145:3-4 “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.”
3 year olds
Children begin to experience the basics of relating to God and one another in a safe and fun environment.
PreK to 1st Grade
As children continue to develop their motor skills, they go hands on with stories and crafts that draw their inquisitive minds to the things of God.
2nd-4th Grades
Children begin a study of the entire Bible with the goal of exploring how all the little stories point to the big story—redemption in Jesus Christ.
5th-6th Grades
In this class children study the same stories and themes as the 2nd-4th grade group (making it easier for parents to review and to connect family with church!), but they go into a greater level of detail for a fuller understanding of the redemption found in Jesus Christ.
7th-12th Grades – Youth Group
We want teens to become grounded in their faith as they prepare to engage the culture around them. Come celebrate with us a deep and radical gospel message that has profound implications for the way we think and live as people of God.