Scribes & Scripture Conference

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Speakers: Dr. John Meade & Dr. Peter Gurry

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Register early to get a free book: “Scribes and Scripture: The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible” By Dr. John Meade and Dr. Peter Gurry

Get ready to be stretched, inspired and encouraged!  We have Dr. John Meade and Dr. Peter Gurry from Phoenix Seminary coming to New Hyde Park Baptist Church in May for the Scribes & Scripture Conference.  They will give four lectures and provide a time for Q&A. We will learn how a set of books written in different languages by dozens of authors across thousands of years was copied, canonized, and translated to become the Bible we know today.  Spread the word. Invite a friend!  (Light lunch will be provided.) 

1. Canonizing the Bible – Dr. Meade
2. Translating the Bible – Dr. Gurry
3. Copying the Old Testament – Dr. Meade
Lunch Break  
4. Copying the New Testament – Dr. Gurry
Q&A with speakers
Location:  NHPBC
635 New Hyde Park Road | New Hyde Park | NY |11040
Call or email if you have any questions: 516-352-9672 | office@nhpbc.com

Meet the Speakers

John Meade (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Professor of Old Testament at Phoenix Seminary where he teaches courses on the Old Testament. He is the author of The Biblical Canon Lists from Early Christianity (with Ed Gallagher) and A Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job 22–42.

Peter Gurry (PhD, University of Cambridge) is Associate Professor of New Testament at Phoenix Seminary where he teaches courses on the New Testament. He is the editor of Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism (with Elijah Hixson) and the author of A New Approach to Textual Criticism (with Tommy Wasserman).